
Bible Plan
Why is it important to read the Bible?
Psalm 1:1-3 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
The Bible is God’s Word. It is specific revelation from God that teaches the way of salvation. And, by God’s power, Scripture is powerful in our lives to make us more like Jesus (2 Timothy 3:14-16).
By God’s power, habitually reading, memorizing, praying, and meditating on Scripture will bring about sanctification in our lives.
So we read the Bible the same way we eat food and drink water. Every day, multiple times a day, in order to grow and be healthy. We read and digest—or in other words, think about and try to understand—what we read so that we can be corrected by God’s perfect word, repent, and follow Jesus more closely.
We pray about what we read. We ask God for clarity. We study it with other Christians. To read the Bible and try to understand it so that we can obey it is a regular practice of the Christian life.
Making a Habit of Reading the Bible
聖書を読むことを習慣にしましょう。 あらかじめ以下のことを決めておくと助けになります。
時間: いつ聖書を読みますか? 朝の7時ですか?夜の9時ですか? 両方ですか?
場所: どこで聖書を読みますか? 食卓でですか? 電車の中でですか? 両方ですか?
プラン: どのようにして聖書を読んでいきますか? 1日1章ですか? 1日10章ですか? もうあるプランを使いますか? 自分でプランを立てますか? 読んだときにどうしますか? 注解書を一緒に読みますか? 教会のメッセージの箇所を一緒に読んでいきますか? 暗記しますか? 助けになった部分を祈りますか?
自分のプランに従うための準備をしましょう。 朝起きる必要があるなら、目覚ましをセットしたり、早く寝るようにしましょう。 スケジュールに書き込み、友達との約束と同じように考えましょう。 聖書を読むための時間に、誰かに誘われたらこう答えましょう。 「実はその時間にはもう予定があって、ごめんなさい。」 自分のプランに従いましょう。
みなさんが聖書を読むのを習慣にするのを助けるために、教会では2年間の聖書プランを作りました。 このプランでは2年の間に、新約聖書を3回、詩篇と箴言を4回、残りの旧約聖書を1回読めるようになっています。
Like the psalmist in Psalm 1, we need to meditate on God’s Word, the Bible, day and night.
How can we do that?
Make it a habit. Decide beforehand:
A time - When you will read the Bible? Will it be 7:00 am? 9:00 pm? Both?
A place - Where you will read the Bible? At your kitchen table? On the subway? Both?
A plan - How will you read the Bible? One chapter a day? Ten chapters a day? Will you follow a plan or make your own? How will you interact with what you are reading? Will you read a commentary with it? Will you follow the preaching schedule of your church? Will you memorize a verse? Will you pray a section that was especially helpful?
Then, make the proper preparations to do your plan. Set your alarm earlier. Go to bed earlier. Put it in your calendar and treat it like an appointment. If you are invited to do something when it is time to read your Bible, say, “I’m sorry, I already have something at that time.” Stick to your plan.
In order to aid you in developing the habit of Bible reading the church has created a two-year Bible reading plan. This will take you through the New Testament three times, the Psalms and Proverbs four times, and the rest of the Old Testament once.
How to Engage With the Bible When You Read
1. この箇所は神様について何を教えてくれるの?
2. この箇所は自分自身について何を教えてくれるの?
3. この聖書の話は、どのようにイエス様につながっているの?
もしこの聖書プランに従うなら、祈りの時間も含めて毎日20〜30分くらいを聖書を読んで過ごせる予定です。 例えば5月3日にこの聖書プランに従って聖書を読むとすると、民数記1章、2コリント8章、詩篇124編を読むことになります。
民数記1章: 神様はしっかりと秩序があるのを喜ばれる。 グループにたくさん人がいても、神様は一人ひとりを覚えていてくださる。 神様はとても聖なる方だ。
2コリント8章: 神様はご自分の人々に必要なものを与えてくれる。 神様は私が寛大でいることを喜んでくれる。
詩篇124編: 神様がすべてを造った。
民数記1章: 私は小さな1人の人間にすぎないけど、神様は大切に思ってくださる。 私は悪と戦う神様の軍隊の一兵士みたいだ。 自分の好きなようにではなく、神様の言われたように神様に近づく必要がある。
2コリント8章:私は結構ケチだ。 他の人たちの必要よりも自分のことを考えてしまう。 どうやったらもっと寛大になれるか考える時間を持ちたい。
詩篇124編: 私の希望も、助けも、救いも神様にしかない。
民数記1章: 神様のもとに行く方法はイエス様だけ。 イエス様が王。 私のリーダー。 イエス様が一番の敵である罪に勝ってくれたから、私も罪に勝つことができる。 イエス様が神様の教会のリーダーで、私はその教会の一員だ。
2コリント8章: 私が神様との永遠のいのちを受け取るために、イエス様がすべてを捨ててくれた。
詩篇124編: 私の代わりにイエス様が、神様の怒りの大水と濁流に飲み込まれてくれた。 神様が私を無条件に愛してくれる理由はイエス様にある。
When you read, answer these three questions:
1. What does this teach me about God?
The Bible is from God. It teaches us about him and what he has done and will do to save sinners and redeem his creation. Think through what the section you read is saying about God, his character, his desires, his will, his power, etc.
2. What does this teach me about myself?
We are the sinners that need saving. The Bible tells us how God does that for us. Think about how what you read that day tells you about yourself. Think through questions like: “Where does my salvation come from?” “How sinful am I?” “What are my needs in life?” “What things can I change that would be pleasing to God?”
3. In the story of the Bible, how is this related to Jesus?
Finally, the whole Bible is about Jesus. The Old Testament is constantly looking forward to when Jesus came as the Savior and the fulfillment of everything it was about. The Gospels are the story of how Jesus brought God’s kingdom to earth in a new way, fulfilled the Old Testament, and accomplished salvation in his life, death, and resurrection. The rest of the New Testament is the story of the new community of God that Jesus established, called the church. There are also instructions for how we are to live as members of Jesus’ church as we wait for his return.
If you do this plan, including time for a short prayer, it will take between 20 and 30 minutes each day. For example, if you were to do this plan and today was May 3, you would read Numbers 1, 2 Corinthians 8, and Psalm 124.
For the first question, “What does this teach me about God?”, you might write down the following.
Numbers 1: God likes structure and records. God keeps track of individuals in the group. God is very holy.
2 Corinthians 8: God provides for his people. God wants me to be generous.
Psalm 124: God created everything.
Then to answer the second question, “What does this teach me about myself?”, you might think the following:
Numbers 1: Even though I’m just one person, I matter to God. I am like a soldier in God’s army against evil. I can’t approach God any way I choose, I need to follow his instructions for how to come to him.
2 Corinthians 8: I’m not very generous. I think about myself a lot more than the needs of others. I need to think about how I can excel in generosity.
Psalm 124: My only hope and help and salvation is in God.
Finally, for the third question, “In the story of the Bible, how is this related to Jesus?”, you might think the following:
Numbers 1: Jesus is the way for me to be with God. Jesus is the king. He’s my leader. He defeated the greatest enemy, sin, so I can have victory over sin in my life. Jesus is the head of the church, God’s people, and I am a member of the church.
2 Corinthians 8: Jesus gave up everything for me so that I would receive an inheritance of eternal life with God.
Psalm 124: Jesus was overcome by the flood and torrent of God’s wrath for my sin so that I wouldn’t be. He is the reason God loves me unconditionally.